Exclusive: Actress Mindy Robinson talks horror, whiskey, two stepping, My Little Pony and more

Mindy RobinsonBy Jonathan Weichsel

I recently got to ask a few question to actress Mindy Robinson about her career and craft. Robinson currently has a ton of movies available to rent, including Chicks Dig Gay Guys, The Coed and the Zombie Stoner, Alpha House, Club Lingerie, After School Massacre and Abstraction. Also keep an eye out for The Green Fairy coming soon.

For a complete list of credits and appearances visit Robinson’s official IMDB: Mindy Robinson.

Read the entire interview with this exciting indie talent below:

JW: You have a wide range of credits, from horror, to comedy, to reality TV. What is your favorite genre to work in? Do you take a different approach to different genres?

MR: Comedy comes pretty naturally to me. I only feel like I’m acting when I have to be super serious because that’s just not how I normally am.

JW: How is performing in reality TV different from acting in a television show or movie?

MR: I like reality TV because it is a great way to show off my improv skills and have fun without having to memorize a thing.

JW: What do you feel are some of your strongest roles to date?

MR: I really like my character in the new Eddie Griffin and Josh Meyers movie Last Supper. She’s not exactly making the best decisions or being a good person per se, but she’s endearing nonetheless. It says a lot if you can make a seedy character likable. It had a great run on the festival circuit and will be out to buy and rent this Spring.

JW: Are there certain types of characters that you want to play, but haven’t had the chance to?

MR: I had a blast playing a ninja in Samurai Cop 2, and I’d really love to get to do more fight choreography and action films. About the only thing I haven’t gotten to do is a sci-fi flick, which makes me sad because I love that genre so much.

JW: You do a lot of indie film. What, if anything, do you think indie film has to offer audiences that mainstream films can’t or don’t deliver?

MR: Indie films can afford to be creative, they can take risks where studio films tend to stick to a basic formula. As an actor it’s almost impossible to make that crossover. They just stick to the same actors over and over. I think people would rather see some amazing fresh indie talent than another Selena Gomez flick.

JW: Have you ever been recognized on the street?

MR: I got recognized a lot when Take Me Out with George Lopez was airing on FOX, but most of the time I’m only slightly familiar to people and they’re not sure why. For example, people often know Pom Pom Kitty, my character on King of the Nerds, but they have no idea it’s me unless I say something or they look it up. There’s a lot of costuming and wigs for that character so I’m always impressed when someone does pick me out for it.

JW: Who are your favorite directors to work with and why?

MR: There have been so many amazing directors along the way. Jose Prendes, Jared Masters, and Dan Frank are a few, but so many have given me great opportunities that I’d have to name almost them all.

JW: When and how did you first get into acting and performing?

MR: I showed up to set to work background for the first time ever, and was offered a supporting role to replace an actress they had fired that day. That’s pretty much every background actor’s wet dream, but it’s what encouraged me to take a run at it and eventually turned it into a full time gig.

JW: Do you have any special hobbies? What are some of your outside interests?

MR: I think people would be surprised to know how much of a redneck I can be. I like going to country concerts, two stepping, mixing up new whiskey drinks, and going out to the desert to shoot shit. I also collect vintage My Little Ponies and like to cosplay as forest animals…I have many weird little facets.

JW: The life of an actor can be hard. When times get tough, what keeps you motivated and driven?

MR: I like the challenge, and I like working hard. I just don’t like how people try to use you or dick you around sometimes though…but that’s life. You don’t throw out your shoe because you stepped in dog shit, you scrape it off and keep moving!

For news, pictures and clips check out her website: www.iheartmindy.com

You can find her on Instagram and Twitter by searching @iheartmindy, and you can like her Facebook fan page here: www.facebook.com/iheartmindypage

SOURCE: More Horror – Read entire story here.