Watch: Frank Ternier’s Creative Mixed-Media Outrage Short Film ‘Riot’

Riot Short Film

“Look at this street… See. Think of those who’ve passed before you.” How about an uber creative, intensive short to end the week? Riot is a short film by French filmmaker / artist Frank Ternier, and after playing on the festival circuit for two years it’s now available to watch online. The film combines various filmmaking techniques — animation, observational footage, interpretive dance — about an uprising in a neighborhood after a boy is killed by police. SOTW explains: “Ternier’s gripping and powerful film pairs bravura animation techniques with raw feeling to capture, with a rare authenticity, the physical and emotional violence of such a tragedy, and the rage felt by everyone in its wake.” This can also be simply described as an “experimental mixed media interpretive dance French art short film about social injustice” – and it’s really worth a watch. ›››

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SOURCE: – Read entire story here.