Hailey Bieber Opens Up About Mental Health: ‘It Can Be Easy to Let People Convince You of Something That’s Not Real’

Hailey Bieber Opens Up About Mental Health: 'It Can Be Easy to Let People Convince You of Something That's Not Real'

Hailey Bieber is fresh faced on the cover of Vogue Australia‘s October 2019 issue, on sale September 23rd.

Here’s what the 22-year-old model had to share with the mag:

On blocking out the haters on social media: “Honestly, for a time I disabled comments except for people I follow. When the comments are there it’s tempting to want to read them, and I definitely found myself dipping into what people had to say, which was a bad habit. Unless I come across an article, I don’t look anything up anymore. I also try to care less about what strangers say about me, which has gotten easier.”

On trademarking a name for a beauty brand: “Honestly, that was more about being proactive. I’m not sure how I want to dip into that space and it’s been a conversation between me and my husband. He thinks that’s a space I should explore and I think it’s actually a space that he could explore men’s-wise. I’ve definitely done some silent research. I haven’t talked about this with anybody yet: I don’t want to step into a space if I don’t think I can necessarily bring something different to the table. I want to take my time. It should come about organically and I only want to make things I would love myself.”

On marriage and mental health: “Nobody from the outside really knows what’s going on between us. I wake up every morning with this person. I’m the only person that has direct dialogue with this person. This is my relationship. What’s so tricky about mental health is that it can be easy to let people convince you of something that’s not real…When I had hundreds of thousands of comments bombarding me with: ‘He’s never going to this’, ‘You’re never going to that’, ‘You’ll be divorced by then’, you can’t help but wonder: ‘Does someone see something that I don’t see?’ It starts to mess with your mind. But the only two people in a relationship are the two people in it. I’ve been working on retraining my thought process to understand that.”

For more from Hailey Bieber, visit Vogue.com.au.

SOURCE: Just Jared – Read entire story here.