Cameron On New “Avatar 3” Filming


Recently came the news that more “Avatar” filming would be getting underway in June, but it wasn’t quite clear what that filming would involve – is it additional shooting on the third one, new filming on the fourth, or a combination of both?

Attending the Saturn Awards this weekend, Cameron spoke with Screen Rant about where the production stands. He says much of the technology required for the film franchise as a whole is now in place, and actual filming on the third is effectively done bar a few pickups.

Theoretically, the production process should be able to move quicker on the sequels, but Cameron affirms that even with the tools in place, it will still be down to the wire to get everything completed.

“It [Avatar 3] is pretty much in the can. We’re shooting pick-ups on 3, which is just filling in the last 2 or 3%, and we’ve also got live-action pick-ups in June, that’s another couple percent.

We’ve got about a quarter of Movie 4 in the can. We’re post [production] on 3 and now doing the VFX, which is an enormous job. I’ll need every second between now and then to get it done.

The tech has reached the point right now where it’s really what we need. We make little improvements as we go along, but we’re there. The whole point is we jumped back, that’s why we spent 7 years building to it and 4 years shooting the two films together.

It’s not about the technology, but about the minds and eyes of the computer artists. It’s a very, very creative process – it’s artistry. Thousands of people are involved and conducting the orchestra to get it all pitch perfect right now.”

What often gets lost in the discussion of these films is the hard work of thousands of artists and craftspeople to bring Cameron’s vision to life.

For now, the third “Avatar” is on track for a December 19th 2025 release whilst the fourth and fifth films are targeting December 2029 and 2031 releases.

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