Devil’s Due (2014) Review

Devils Due CoverBy Jesse Miller

The Omen, Rosemary’s Baby, Paranormal Activity, The House of the Devil – we’ve all seen the ‘satanic panic’ horror film before and ‘Devil’s Due’ gives the whole theme another shot, following newlyweds Zach and Sam as they await the arrival of their firstborn. And we all know where this is going, don’t we?

When this subject matter has been done to death, one can fall back on the comfortable thought of ‘well, to hell with it, it’s entertainment so let’s see if it delivers?’ and does this film deliver? Look, it’s very lackluster because the film falls on some horror film beats that we’ve all seen done before time and time again, delivering a flat journey into horror with scares that miss their chance to truly pop out at you.

Yeah, the couple here is fantastic, have great chemistry and yeah, they do their absolute best with what they’ve got to work with and succeeded in getting me engaged. In all honesty, Devil’s Due sets up the couple effectively enough. They’re cute kids and it’s lovely seeing them goof around before the horror begins. Unfortunately, when the horror begins, the relationship between the two is put on the back burner for the shenanigans and that particular story arc unfortunately ends with a whimper.

There’s little unique or new that’s brought to the table, aside from some rather excellent visual shots when everything all goes to..well, hell.

Whether or not you’ll enjoy this spectacle depends entirely on whether or not you’ll be happy to sit back in your chair with choice of beverage or snacks, come to terms with the fact that this is recycled horror and just enjoy the ride for the 89 minutes or so.

The film’s cinematography is terrific and the visuals are spectacular and allow for some great little moments and scares but apart from that, Devil’s Due is rather bland and by-the-numbers horror that lacks that certain nastiness or effective chills and thrills that would’ve made it a little less disheartening and a little more unique.

SOURCE: More Horror – Read entire story here.