Exclusive: A Drunken Video Interview with Jessica Cameron

Interview conducted by Jonathan Weichsel

Awhile ago Jessica Cameron and I tried an experiment where I would interview her, but instead of conducting our interview sober like most sane celebrities do, we would drink throughout until we were both completely wasted. What you are about to see is an hour and forty-one minute drunken interview edited by Evan A. Baker from three hours of footage shot by a sober and very patient John Cox over the course of a four hour drinking binge.

The result is, to say the least, raw. Jessica and I both start out our charming and likeable media-friendly bests. But, we soon descend into drunkenness, and that’s where the interview gets interesting. This is about the most real and unfiltered look at two public figures you are likely to find online. We fight, argue, and bicker over trivial topics, say things one really shouldn’t say in a public interview, and show sides of ourselves that public figures ordinarily fight hard to keep hidden.

This is an interview that shows Jessica and I both at our best, and at our worst. I admit freely that I am an angry and belligerent drunk, but one of my outbursts in this video shocked even me. Jessica handles herself slightly better than I do, but not by much.

It takes a lot of bravery to put something like this online, as it can be very embarrassing to watch oneself drunk. But drunkenness brings out a certain kind of honesty, and the final portion of the interview, after our outbursts are done, is one of those chill, honest late night conversations that we have all enjoyed having, but can never quite remember. So sit back, relax, crank YouTube up to 1080 if your internet is high speed, and get drunk with Jessica and I.

*Accompanying photo of Jessica Cameron and Jonathan Weichsel at RIP Film Festival

Jessica Cameron and Jon drink

SOURCE: More Horror – Read entire story here.