Interview with Filmmaker Reyna Young

Forgotten TalesBy Jonathan Weichsel

I recently got to ask Filmmaker Reyna Young a few questions about her new film Forgotten Tales. You can read our conversation below.

JW- What made you decide to make a horror anthology film as opposed to a narrative feature?

RY- I’ve always had an anthology film in the back of my mind and wanted to make it a reality. I wrote my first comic issue of Forgotten Tales, Audition, years ago for Scattered Comics in Sacramento, and I will have a comic coming out based on the film and cannot wait for that. But I’ve always loved Creepshow and wanted to do my own anthology.

JW- In Forgotten Tales there is a ghost story, a home invasion story, and a stalker story. Do you like to watch all different kinds of horror? What are some of your favorite kinds of horror to watch? What were some of your cinematic influences when making Forgotten Tales?

RY- Well I’m very old school. I love Carpenter, Craven and Hitchcock. I do enjoy gore movies but I’m not too much into making them, as I love suspense more. Will I ever do gore? Probably, but for Forgotten Tales I was trying to go more for story and suspense as opposed to lots of blood and gore. When it comes to watching horror films, I watch everything and anything.

JW- The segment titled Audition dealt a lot with the entertainment industry. In fact, at first I thought the man holding the audition was perpetrating the famous giant woman/little man scam, although you brought the story in a different direction. How much did you pull from your own experiences in entertainment when crafting that story?

RY- I’ve been to some weird auditions and after experiencing those I started thinking of scenarios in my head wondering what if this Director were psycho and just auditioning girls to find out about them and prey on them. In the segment I receive multiple emails from the Director on why I haven’t called or wrote him back about the part and that really happened to me. So I took things that I went through and made the character a stalker/ killer. I play the main actress in that segment because so many actresses said they couldn’t do the part because it hit too close to home, which goes to show you how dangerous it is out there.

JW- The segment The Babysitter seems to have the most work put into it in terms of production. Could you tell me a bit about what went into shooting that segment?

RY- We shot the segment in two days, as I only had two days with the actors so the days were long but with teamwork and a great cast, everything came together perfectly.

JW- Kelsey Zukowski, who stars in The Babysitter, is the biggest Scream Queen in Forgotten Tales, and really gives one of the best performances in the movie. What was it like working with Zukowski?

RY- She’s awesome, easy to work with, she takes direction well and loved the physical challenge of it. Wyzae Crankfield, who played opposite her, was the same way. They got along great and really threw themselves into the characters they were playing. I would love to work with then both again.

JW- What tone were you going for in Forgotten Tales? Scary? Suspenseful? Humorous? How do you hope audiences will react to it?

RY- I was going for suspense and I just hope the audience enjoys watching and is entertained. I will be doing a sequel. I have gotten good feedback on the film and feel I should keep going with it.

JW- Who is Forgotten Tales made for? Is it a movie for the niche horror crowd, or do you hope to reach a more mainstream audience?

RY- I just hope with any film I make that I reach as many people as I can. It was made in the vein of Creepshow and Tales from the Darkside. I just hope fans will enjoy it and want more.

JW- What are your plans for Forgotten Tales? Are you working on a festival run? Looking for distribution?

RY- I have some Fests coming up but cannot announce just yet and also four distributors looking at it right now, which is very exciting!!
JW- What projects do you have lined up for the future? Anything we should know about?
RY- My slasher film Doll Murder Spree is in post and I’m in Pre-Production of my next two films which I can’t talk about but I’ve secured funding for them and very excited for my next ventures.

And that was my conversation with Reyna Young. You can watch the trailer for Forgotten Tales here:

SOURCE: More Horror – Read entire story here.