It’s Official – Josh Trank is No Longer Directing a ‘Star Wars’ Spin-Off

Josh Trank

Briefly: As much as I hate reporting on the non-news that someone is no longer working on a project they were originally attached to work on, if it involves Star Wars, it’s still worth mentioning. and Variety are reporting that Lucasfilm has officially announced and confirmed that Josh Trank (director of Chronicle and this year’s Fantastic Four reboot) will no longer be directing a Star Wars spin-off movie. Not long after Gareth Edwards got the first offer for Star Wars: Rogue One, due in theaters late 2016, Trank landed the gig to direct the next spin-off solo Star Wars movie due in 2018. However, he’s been booted and Disney/Lucasfilm are going back to the drawing board – no replacements have been named yet. Interesting… ›››

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SOURCE: – Read entire story here.