Learn How Marty and Doc First Met In IDW’s New Back to the Future Comic Book Series

Back to the Future comic book series

As Comic Con begins tonight, IDW has announced they will be releasing a Back to the Future comic book series. The first issue will finally explain how Marty McFly met Doc Brown. Find out about the new comic book series, after the jump.

Comic Book Resources broke the story, revealing that the first issue of the Back to the Future comic book will be released in October 2015. Back to the Future creator, producer and screenwriter Bob Gale will be offering suggestions and oversight over the stories which will be penned by IDW veteran writers John Barber (“Transformers”) and Erik Burnham (“Ghostbusters”). Gale has written “Daredevil” and “Amazing Spider-Man” comics in the past. The first issue will feature “Batman ’66” artist Brent Schoonover as well as “Ghostbusters” penciller Dan Schoening.

Back to the Future comic book series

But how interesting can a Back to the Future story be without time travel? Bob Gale gives us a hint of what to expect from the new comic book series:

They came back to me with some story pitches, but they were overly focused on time travel and didn’t feel like they were really “BTTF.” So that got me thinking about what we could do in a comic series that would fit squarely in the “BTTF Universe” but not feel like an attempt to do “BTTF Part 4″ or “imitation BTTF” or “BTT: The Clone Saga.” The answer was based in the movies, particularly “Part II,” in which we see two sequences that happen “in between” the existing 1955 scenes from “Part 1″: The bit in which Biff gets his cleaned-up car back and then harasses Lorraine as she picks up her dress for the dance; and the conceit that there were two Martys doing different things during the dance. … Much the way “Part II” showed different, unseen aspects of the original movie, the comic will do the same. And then there were the fan questions. Bob Zemeckis and I had been asked many times, “How did Marty and Doc meet?” and “How did Doc’s house actually burn down?” So I thought that a series focused on tales in these areas, dealing with the characters as we know them from the movies, answering some of these questions, would be worthwhile. Maybe these stories could enhance or fill in things from the trilogy.

The first issue will explore how Doc and Marty first met in 1982 (the issue also features “someone you may not have expected to see”) and the second issue will tell how Doc got involved with the Manhattan Project during World War II and how his original house burned down. Many of the characters seen in the Back to the Future trilogy will make appearance, and the IDW comic book series will also feature many “easter eggs” for hardcore Back to the Future fans.

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SOURCE: /Film – Read entire story here.