Michael Matteo Rossi’s ‘Misogynist’ is the real gritty underground ‘Fifty shades of Grey’

Misogynist Posterby MoreHorror.com

The distribution company Midnight Releasing will be releasing writer/director Michael Matteo Rossi’s new psychological thriller Misogynist on March 3, 2015.

Rossi’s story revolves around a slick misogynist named Trevor along with his new protégé. Trevor’s goal is to teach men around him his ideologies and techniques about how to handle the opposite sex. However, it soon becomes apparent that Trevor has other, more sinister plans for that of his best student, Harrison.

Misogynist DVD will be accompanied by special behind the scenes clips as well as audio commentary. The film is currently available to pre-order from Amazon and Brain Damage Films.

Misogynist stars Jonathan Bennett, Jon Briddell, Eve Mauro, Tracey E. Bregman, Danielle Lozeau, Kris Black, Alia Raelynn and Adam Treska.

Watch the theatrical trailer below the plot details as well as the distributor trailer here

‘Misogynist’ Plot
Trevor is an extreme misogynist who campaigns underground seminars, teaching his ideology of women. Only through referrals and word of mouth, he provides bizarre, offensive, and outlandish strategies to young men, with the promise that they can control any woman. His best student is Harrison, a young man Trevor took under his wing when he was most vulnerable. Viewing Trevor as a father-figure, Harrison will do what Trevor instructs him to do. Soon Harrison starts to realize Trevor has an ulterior motive and is hell-bent on revenge in the most brutal of ways.

For more details, find Misogynist on Facebook and give it a follow on the official Misogynist Twitter.

Theatrical Trailer:

SOURCE: More Horror – Read entire story here.