Quentin Tarantino Says He Regrets Suing Gawker



Quentin Tarantino famously sued Gawker and vowed not to make The Hateful Eight after his script was leaked, but that’s all in the past as Hateful approaches its late 2015 release. While Tarantino at one point narrowed the possible culprit down to six people, including Tim Roth, Michael Madsen, and Bruce Dern, and even filed a lawsuit against Gawker, he now tell Entertainment Weekly he never did find out who leaked it, and that his Gawker lawsuit really wasn’t about Gawker:

The suit would subsequently be tossed out, refiled, and eventually dropped by Tarantino, who now admits that the legal saga ended up serving as more of a distraction than redress. “I almost regret the whole suing Gawker because it actually took the light off of what was important,” he says. “My whole thing wasn’t against Gawker, it was against Hollywood practices that have just been considered okay.”

To that end, Tarantino even ended up attending a morning meeting with the agents of William Morris to hold a discussion on integrity and discretion. He says he doesn’t blame people for wanting to get a early glimpse at his film. “You know, when Brian DePalma was doing Scarface​, I wanted to know anything that I could get before it opened,” he says. “A still shot, a shot from the set, anything. I get it.” [EW]

Sounds pretty damned reasonable, especially for a guy I like to imagine pumping his fist while a wizard cheers him on. The way I see it, it’s your classic celebrity nudes dilemma. Of course we all want to see celebrity nudes, but that doesn’t make the guy who posts them for all the world to see any less of a dick.

As for who did it, sorry, yeah, my money is still on Michael Madsen. If that guy doesn’t have an entourage full of sketchy tweakers I’ll eat my shoe.

SOURCE: UPROXX » Film Drunk – Read entire story here.