‘TUSK’ Review

TUSK CoverBy Robert J. Thompson II

Let me start by saying that when TUSK first came out, there wasn’t a theater within an hour, and forty-five minutes, from me, showing it. As a huge Kevin Smith fan, this was disheartening. Every time I planned to drive, to see it, something came up. I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to catch it until it came out on DVD/VOD. Then a stroke of luck, and our little local indie theater, Cinema Center, got it for Halloween weekend. Score.

Going in, I had high hopes, but had become worried, as I saw the negativity rolled out. It wasn’t until at some point watching the movie, that I remembered this is Kevin Smith we’re talking about, and “haters gonna hate.” – mainly because this movie was pretty damn awesome.

I was unsure about a couple things. Number one, the perpetual rager that Smith has for Canada. I’m not sure what it is about a horror movie set in Canada, but it just doesn’t feel right. Maybe because I’ve heard nothing but nice things about Canadians? I’m not sure. The other being that it was starring Justin Long. Poor Justin. If you haven’t seen ‘Zack and Miri’ you are committing a disservice to yourself, and you must watch it. Now. If only for Justin Long. Hurry. But, he gets such flack from people, for no real reason.

So, I’m sitting in the theater, and I keep expecting the ‘boos’ to just start raining down, but they never come. As the movie becomes more, and more, twisted, I can’t help but be impressed. “Tusk” is the type of film that indie filmmakers, make. You make this movie because it’s an idea you have with some buddies, and there’s no better way you can think of to rack up eight grand in debt, than to stick an old man in a drafty house, and have him turn a dude into a walrus.

Then I realized that is precisely what Smith did here. He took some friends, and made a movie that he wanted to make. He didn’t apologize for it once, and even credited it with reinvigorating his interest in making movies (Thank you, Tusk!). Smith is a known Director, maybe one of the best known there is, working today. Not because his movies break records, or whatever. But because, as he self-proclaims, he is a media whore. He gets his punum out there, and there’s just something affable about him. You just don’t hear anyone go, “Man, Kevin Smith is a dick!”; usually they go, “I met Kevin Smith, and he was stoned as hell!” Which is alright.

So, Kevin Smith, a Hollywood Director, a man who has worked with Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, and Matt Damon, decides to make a movie with some buds, and turns a dude into a walrus – literally. I didn’t think it was coming. I really thought someone would save the day. Nope. They went full walrus. And it was awesome.

The film is beautiful at times. Particularly the night shots, inside the house. I love the golden lit, high contrast feel. Not something you expect from Smith. The film is incredibly well written, without being a full on comedy. Not something you expect from Smith. The acting, all around, was great. Not something you expect from Smith. The man upped his game here, and his reinvigorated passion shows through. Not only for him, but for those involved, as well.

The acting is great. Long plays the jerk to perfection, but not so much so, that you don’t feel bad for him when the torture sets in. Michael Parks is a force on screen. Haley Joel Osment getting back on screen is a great thing, in my opinion, and Harley Quinn (still a rad name for your daughter), and Lily-Rose are awesome enough, I look forward to Yoga Hosers.

Now let’s talk about that other top-tier name Smith has added to the list. Johnny F**kin’ Depp. This is the type of stuff I want to see Johnny do, more. These are the roles that made us love you in the first place, Johnny. It’s not just, “Johnny Depp showing up to play Johnny Depp as Johnny Depp.” – it’s you doing cooky, weird, awesome stuff on screen. It’s acting. It’s hilarious acting. And I enjoyed him immensely in this.

The movie isn’t without it’s faults. The pacing was slightly too slow, for my taste, and a couple bits were over the top, but if you’re not a Kevin Smith fan by now, you’re never going to be. I left the movie thinking, “What the hell did I just watch?” Then realized, I don’t care, because I enjoyed it.

The dude is making movies he wants to make, and I found it damn entertaining. “Tusk” has proven that, whether he’s an A-list deserving Director, or not, Kevin Smith has some of the biggest balls in Hollywood, today. He swung for the fences, and took the swing with a smile on his face. Then he jogged the bases with a middle finger in the air. Because that’s how Kevin Smith does, bitches.

SOURCE: More Horror – Read entire story here.