Universal planning at least three more Fast & Furious films

Universal is planning to make at least three more Fast & Furious films, according to chairman Donna Langley, who has described the series as “still a growing franchise”.

Fast & Furious 7 has still yet to be released, but according to Langley, the studio is confident that the series still has enough in the tank to support a further trio of films…

“We think there’s at least three more,” says Langley. “Paul [Walker] is, and always will be, an integral part of the story. But there are many other great characters, and it’s also an opportunity to introduce new characters.”

“I think it’s still a growing franchise. We’ll see what happens with Furious 7 obviously, but our box office has grown over the past three or four films and internationally, in particular.”

“We think that there’s more to mine there,” she concludes. “But we’re of course very mindful about fatigue.”

Three more films would take the series to ten in total, which is pretty good going, even by today’s sequel-tastic standards. In the meantime, Fast & Furious 7 will open in the UK on 3 April 2015.

SOURCE: Total Film News – Read entire story here.